Friday, April 13, 2018

Commentary on Peer's Blog

I agree 100% with Mai-Angel Thai's opinion on abortion I think many good points were brought up.
A woman should have the right to make decisions about her own body. We’re in 2018, and people are still debating about whether or not a woman should be allowed to make the choice to have an abortion. Why is a man telling a women what she can and can’t do with her body? What does he know about being pregnant? Why is someone with no uterus trying to take control of  a women with a uterus? Regardless of whether or not you view abortion as a crime, you have to admit, ladies, that having a man try to tell you what you can and can’t do is the worst. A pregnancy is a huge responsibility; one that not everybody can - or should - take on. A child has basic needs - food, shelter, water, and health care. On top of these things, a child also needs attention, love, and support. Some people are barely able to take care of themselves, let alone a child. Kids are adorable, and teach us many things about life. They are also the reason that many adults are forced to let go of their prior goals and dreams.

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Comment on peer's blog

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