Friday, February 23, 2018

Caring for children - And the right to bear arms

In the blog post about gun control, and the conservative side not caring about children; Ruby Henley gives facts about how the liberals care about abortion, but this contradicts what they say in their new march "saving our children." How can you support killing a child that has no say in whether it dies or not but you preach that we need to ban guns to protect our children? It honestly makes no sense to me. Blaming guns is not the solution in all of this. How can we protect ourselves from home invasions or muggings? If a crazy person gets his hands on a gun and commits a crime with a said gun we automatically blame guns. Guns do not load themselves and kill people. The solution is not to ban guns but make it more difficult. Let us stop blaming the guns for violence and start looking at the people behind those guns instead.

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Comment on peer's blog

I agree with   Kristin's blog about torture for information. In every war, information is a weapon. In a war against terrorism, where t...