Friday, March 9, 2018

Racial Quotas Kill Kids

In Ann Coulter's blog about racial quotas, she argues that Obama's administration is the reason kids die in schools from violence. She goes on to explain about the shooting in Florida and how the government ignored every warning they received about the kid who murdered 17 people with a firearm. She explains how Democrats want this racial quota filled in schools. Explaining how more students who aren't white get disciplined differently than white children. This just is not true. I have been to school and the way you are disciplined is not determined by your skin color. I just find that ridiculous. She then explains how liberals only want you to hear the worst of any criminal activity because it is not to mourn for the people lost it is to get some kind of political agenda across. I believe this to be true. If I was to ask someone who believes in strong gun control what an AR-15 was they couldn't tell me. They don't care to learn about the issue in depth, they just push this political agenda on you. The same is for the school issue. They believe that school districts treat you differently due to skin color. It is absurd to think like this. I just believe that Coulter made a good point in her blog, and recommend reading it.

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Comment on peer's blog

I agree with   Kristin's blog about torture for information. In every war, information is a weapon. In a war against terrorism, where t...