Friday, May 11, 2018

Comment on peer's blog

I agree with Kristin's blog about torture for information. In every war, information is a weapon. In a war against terrorism, where the adversary wears no uniform and hides among the civilian population, information can matter even more. But does that mean that torture can sometimes be justified to extract information? Most civilised people squirm at the thought of putting suspected terrorists on the rack or pulling off toenails. What if that prisoner knew the whereabouts of a ticking bomb—maybe a biological, chemical or even nuclear one? Wouldn't a little sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation or even water-dunking be justified to save hundreds and perhaps thousands of lives? Whatever the law says, a lot of people seem to think so. With all that being said, I believe that we should torture people for valuable information. It can save countless lives if we do.

Comment on peer's blog

I agree with   Kristin's blog about torture for information. In every war, information is a weapon. In a war against terrorism, where t...